Elliott Bay Connections Project Construction
The Elliott Bay Connections (EBC) project is building a new pedestrian and bicycle greenway trail on the east side of Alaskan Way and restoring and revitalizing Myrtle Edwards and Centennial Parks. Construction on the greenway trail is scheduled to begin in February 2025, with construction in Myrtle Edwards and Centennial Parks beginning in early March 2025. Construction is expected to be complete before Seattle hosts the FIFA World Cup™ in June 2026.
For the latest EBC construction update, go here. For monthly EBC construction update emails, sign up here.
For questions or comments, email info@elliottbayconnections.org or call the construction hotline at (206) 462-1275. The construction hotline is monitored whenever construction is taking place.
Greenway Trail Construction
Construction on the greenway trail is expected to begin on February 10, 2025, and to be complete in June 2026. Work will be divided into zones and scheduled to limit impacts on residents, businesses and cruise operations.

What to expect during construction
- Daytime work, 7 AM to 6 PM, Monday through Friday. Weekend and night work, as necessary to maintain progress
- Access to buildings, businesses and driveways maintained at all times
- Work will be done in zones and scheduled to limit impacts on residents, businesses and cruise operations
- Work will be coordinated with the Seattle Department of Transportation’s Alaskan Way Safety Project, which is building a two-way protected bike lane on the west side of Alaskan Way
- Temporary sidewalk detours in place, as needed; follow posted signs
- Northbound Alaskan Way reduced to one travel lane 24/7 during construction. Temporary parking and loading zone restrictions in place on the east side of Alaskan Way; follow posted signs
- Temporary closures of Wall, Vine and Clay streets at Alaskan Way, as necessary to complete intersection improvements; sign up for construction updates and follow posted signs
- Construction equipment and vehicles moving in and out of the work zone
- Noise typical of a construction site
For the latest EBC construction update email, go here.
For information about Seattle Department of Transportation’s Alaskan Way Safety Project, go here.